Bite the Bullet Libbla!

It actually happened – and so much faster than I thought! I have nearly sold out of my 1st edition which is so exciting!

I have bitten the bullet as after selling the first 500 books in less than 2 months I have ordered 2,000!

Crumbs alive that will get me out of bed in the morning!

It is being very successful in Schools and Universities being used in all sorts of ways.

Subjects for thoughts of the day in assembly, in PSHE or Social Education classes, as prizes and presents and in Drama classes acting out the Wise words – thanks for all the feedback everyone and do keep letting me know where you use the book!

I am simply delighted with the reaction to the book and thank you to my family and friends for all their help in marketing it. Don’t stop, remember there are 2,00o to go before the 3rd edition and the next book!

Be Wise

Libbla x

Sharing in the Uni library

Sharing Wisdom in the Uni library

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