Summary of 2015


2015 what a year! I turned 50, got engaged, got married and had my book published! Packed it in!

The best thing for me is that the book that I thought I would print 500 of and has taken off! Second print run of 2,000 and needing more soon!

Here are Leeds Uni students discussing the topics over a glass of well earned wine at the end of their exams. Two of them used the book to motivate them throughout and they used it for notes in their lectures too!

I have sold it into 10 schools so far and my only New Years Resolution is to SELL SELL SELL to HELP HELP HELP all young people with messages of Wisdom from Wisdom While You Work! I must practice what I preach..

If you want to be really good at something, focus your mind on it….. Again and again! Page 6!

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE and thank you for supporting me in my venture. You have been really kind. Please continue to spread the word!


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